once upon a time
on a laptop far away
there was a blank screen
there was a writer
a whisper; an idea;
a pile of words
which, in some order
that is still a mystery,
become a novel
Jenny Meyerhoff writes novels for children and teenagers.
Author of Class B.U.R.P., Attack of the Girlzillaz, Green Thumbs-Up!, Pumpkin Spice, Project Peep, Sweet Peas and Honeybees, Starry Skies and Fireflies, A Squirmy, Wormy Surprise, Playin Cupid, Third Grady Baby, Queen of Secrets, Sami's Sleepaway Summer, and The Barftastic Life of Louie Burger.
Good Luck!
That’s really nice, Jenny! It is sort of a miracle that a bunch of words somehow make themselves into a salable novel…KYM